Thursday, January 11, 2007

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Where is it heading

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Where is it heading

Manufacturers are under constant pressure from customers, shareholders, and suppliers to continuously improve, to make better products faster - and more efficientlyand better Enterprise Resource Planning. They, in effect, need to convert their factories into responsive, demand-driven, profit-making enterprises by optimising manufacturing operations. Their competitive advantage and ultimate survival depends on the use of information systems and technology thus, Enterprise Resource Planning.

Need for ERP systems
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have become synonymous with competitive advantage, especially throughout the 1990s. ERP systems replace isolated information with a single, packaged software solution that integrates all traditional enterprise management functions like financials, human resources, and manufacturing and logistics.

Started with an IT application to handle the inventory problems of enterprise in the 1960s, the ERP systems brought a common information database which helped business functions of the organisation to shift their thinking to an enterprise level from a departmental level. Many companies have implemented Enterprise Resource Planning applications; either developed in-house or off-the-shelf products, to become more responsive to the customer needs and enhance their businesses.

Challenges for future for Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)
The challenge for many IT managers is to justify the cost of huge IT investment and to show the real return on investment from implementing these applications. Often we hear questions like: “My order process has changed. How long will it take IT to modify the software?” “We have changed our business model to conditionally outsource manufacturing of a sub-assembly. Can our system be modified to control this new process?” “Sometimes it is too late to react to an order cancellation causing loss of revenue. Can we improve our performance through better synchronisation and Enterprise Resource Planning?” “We have customised our ERP system by adding new functionality. Can I reuse this investment?

Can I expose them to my customer portal?” Thus, the demands on ERP vendors serving the market continue to rise. What are the key challenges that they face? ....

...CLICK HERE for the 2ndpart on Enterprise Resource Planning ...
Enterprise Resource Planning,erp software,erp vendor, software,Enterprise Resource Planning.


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