Thursday, January 18, 2007

Xbox Linux project

Xbox Linux project
The Xbox Linux Project, which shows Xbox owners how to install Linux on their game consoles in addition to the stripped-down Windows that runs the console, may have just hit one of its biggest hurdles yet. According to the Xbox Linux Project website, Microsoft has released an automatically downloading patch that plugs the hole in the console's system that allows users to install and run Linux. Apparently, the patch also deletes files off of the hard drive when it is installed, making at least one user lose file he saved on the hard drive via Linux.

The patch is automatically installed when users choose the "Xbox Live" option on the Dashboard--if they have already set up and are connected to an active Internet connection. The update downloads without any prior approval or warning, and can even be activated via an in-game connection to Xbox Live. It is also automatically downloaded and installed even if the user is not signed up for the Live service.

The Xbox may even be transmitting data, including its serial number, to Microsoft whenever an Internet connection is made--again whether or not the user has signed up for Xbox Live.


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