Power Of Internet: AUCTION of the Extinct SeaMink
The Exotic animal Sea Mink ( Mustela macrodon ) , was a North American member of the Mustelidae family. The Sea Mink was hunted to extinction even before it was taxonomically described or scientifically studied.
But the power of the internet. And the irony of our times. Even the extinct sea mink can be bought for $3600 ONLY!!
SeaMink may have been extinct from this world, but it has its own , unique place in the virtual world - SeaMink.COM
:) Yes Thats it. There can only be 1 SEAMINK.COM , now at auction at Sedo. It is quite ironic that an animal which could not get enough attention to save itself from extinction from this earth, has managed to gain all the attention in the virtual world. Anybody could own seamink now via the .com , and convert into god knows what kind of site. The worst would be if it turns into a porn portal ,though highly unlikely, yet its quite a thought. :)
Poor, gentle sea mink. or rather Seamink.COM. Wish we had doled out enough dollars to save them earlier.
I sincerely hope that some environmental groups or individuals lay their hands on this domain. It could be our way of acknowledging this simple small creature whom we failed.
Environmentalists Please Check the Auction: CLICK HERE
Labels: SeaMink.COM :)
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You are correct in saying that seamink.com is indeed a valuable tech asset now. I actually believe that the expected price is low. really!! What with environmental names going for hugh auctions. Few recent examples:
Greenhouse.com -- $500,000
Forest.com €81,000 = $110,721
Track.com $100,000
Fountain.com $95,000
Science.info $30,000
Farms.co.uk £7,000 = $14,609
BlueStone.com $24,500.. etc
Hope some environmental bodies are watching...
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